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Instructions for Correct Sleeping Pillows

Correct sleeping pillow will contribute to change the quality of sleep, follow the instructions on how to make a healthy sleeping pillow right in this article with Ru9.

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Sleep is one of the inevitable things that happen every day of us, but have you ever noticed that your sleeping posture is correct or not? Or are you curious about how to properly lie on a pillow? What are the correct sleeping positions for pillows, good sleeping pillows for health? Let's find out with Ru9 now!

Before going into the details of how to properly place a pillow, we must first note some pillow requirements such as:

The height and softness of the pillow

One of the first things you need to pay attention to is using the right pillow so that your sleep and health will not be affected, on the contrary, if the pillow is too low, the soft pillow will cause your head to sink deep into the middle of the pillow. Harmful effects such as when lying on a low pillow, it also causes puffy eyes after a night of waking up, accompanied by a slight headache due to irregular blood circulation. 

And the standard when choosing a pillow , you should not choose a pillow that is too hard, or a pillow that is too soft, and should choose the right size pillow such as: 8-15cm high, 30cm wide and 60cm long. 

If you are wondering about choosing a pillow for yourself, why not try Ru9 pillows that are moderately soft and designed to provide the ideal support for your head - neck - shoulders - a brand that includes a wide range of products including the best quality sleeping pillows for you. 

Choose the right pillow for you

Choosing the right pillow is also an important factor for your good sleep.

The right height helps to sleep well and is good for the neck bone

Placing the pillow in the right position is also very important. Should not let the shoulder blades press on the pillow, this will cause the head to tilt backwards. If the pillow is too far from the nape of the neck, putting only the head on the pillow can cause the neck to bend, causing the neck to be sore and tired when waking up. 

No matter how expensive the pillow is, you still can't feel refreshed because you don't sleep with the right pillow. If you feel uncomfortable with a high pillow, you may be using it the wrong way, leading to neck pain and difficulty sleeping.

1. So what is the right pillow?

Currently, in order to have the right sleep and improve health, we must determine the position that we most often sleep in, so that the pillow is suitable for the sleeping position every day. 

Sleep pillow with supine position

The supine position has great health benefits, but some people find it uncomfortable. Some people lying on their back feel pain in this position. In addition, people with acid reflux disease and apnea may find it difficult to sleep while lying down, unless a pillow is provided.

You should use a firm pillow that is moderate in height to reduce these problems.

With Ru9's Niu pillow, you can easily fall into a deeper, more comfortable sleep due to its suitable design, cool material, and suitable support for your neck and shoulders.

Lie on the right pillow with side sleeping position

Side sleeping is the most common sleeping position. This is an instinctive and comforting way of sleeping. Side sleepers will prefer a higher (thicker) pillow. 

When you lie on your side, your pillow should be thick enough to keep your spine straight, but not so thick that it causes your neck to curve. Side sleepers will feel most comfortable lying on a pillow that is not too soft.

Sleeping on the right pillow with prone sleeping position

Sleeping on the stomach is also a habit of many people, people who sleep on their stomach often prefer soft, light, good elasticity pillows.

Sleeping on your stomach causes your head and spine to bend upward in an unnatural way. Holding this position for many hours continuously is not good for your back or neck.

Therefore, Ru9 pillow is exactly the solution you need right now, with soft and breathable material, with durable Graphene Memory Foam material, 12cm high suitable for Asian body will provide complete support. Perfect for head - neck - shoulders, Ru9 pillow will help you avoid feeling sore neck when you wake up.

Choose the right sleeping position to wake up more refreshed

Is sleeping on the stomach with a pillow good for health?

2. Should you sleep with a pillow or without a pillow?

To maintain a sleeping position, you should use pillows and raise them when you sleep. It maintains the neck in a neutral position and keeps the body properly aligned in any position. Specialized pillows are recommended for people with back and neck pain because it effectively relieves pressure.

Therefore, you should sleep with the pillow elevated to maintain good posture. It prevents apnea, snoring, acid reflux, neck pain and back pain.

Pillows for the best sleeping position So should you sleep with a pillow or not with a pillow? 

3. Some Frequently Asked Questions

How should the pillow be placed to avoid neck pain?

Neck pain during sleep is often caused by poor alignment. While sleeping on your back and neck is recommended to prevent neck pain, you must also ensure that your body is properly aligned. You should adjust the pillow so that the lower neck is higher than the lower part of the head. This will keep the neck in line with the head, avoiding neck and shoulder strain.

Where should I put my hands when sleeping on my side?

Placing your arm in the wrong position when lying on your side can cause shoulder pain and make your arm numb. You should keep your arm next to your body when you sleep. 

You should absolutely avoid putting your hands under the pillow or lifting above your head. This greatly affects the shoulders and is not a comfortable posture. It can completely disrupt a good night's sleep. 

Is it bad to sleep with your arms under the pillow?

Sleeping with your arms under the pillow may be comfortable but not recommended. This is common in people who lie on their stomach and side, affecting the arms and shoulders. 

People often do this when the pillow is not firm enough or not high enough. You should get a soft pillow instead of using your hands to prop your head because it can lead to pain or numbness in your arms if you lie down continuously for a long time.

Properly place the pillow to keep the head, neck, and shoulders fixed in alignment Please note that the correct sleeping pillow is placed to support good sleep.

Besides, you should put a pillow to sleep in the right position to help support the cervical spine, try following the advice below:

  • Put a pillow under your neck
  • Do not press the pillow on the shoulder
  • Lying neatly between the pillow
  • If lying on your back, place one pillow under your knees and another under your waist. This will help the spine maintain its natural curvature and reduce back degeneration.
  • If lying on your side, put a pillow between your legs and one below your waist. This pose is especially suitable for people who have a disease in the spine and are in a painful inflammatory phase, as it will ease the pain.

The habits of properly sleeping pillows will help you improve the quality of your health in general and sleep in particular, it may seem like a small thing, but it actually affects everyone's life. Take note and actively change from these small things.

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