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Discover The Truth Should You Eat Yogurt Before Sleeping

There are many foods that help you sleep better. But if you are thinking about eating yogurt before bed, you should immediately check out the article below!

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In fact, there are many foods that actually help you sleep better. But if you are wondering whether eating yogurt before bed is good or not, you should immediately see the article below!

Yogurt is classified as one of the healthiest diets as well as bringing a lot of benefits to human health. But should you eat yogurt before bed? What is the best way to absorb nutrition if eating yogurt before bed? All will be mentioned by Ru9 in the article below!

1. What is yogurt and how is it made?

Yogurt is a product made from milk through the fermentation of beneficial bacteria in milk. This process produces lactic acid, which causes the proteins in the milk to curdle, and creates a flavor and texture that is different from regular liquid milk.

Yogurt can be made from all different types of milk. If made from skim milk, yogurt usually contains no fat, while made from whole milk, yogurt contains all kinds of fat.

eat yoghurt before sleep

Currently, many people have the habit of eating yogurt before going to bed to improve sleep.

The basic yogurt production process is quite simple: the milk is heated in conjunction with the yogurt culture process by adding pre-made female yogurt. Keep the milk mixture warm for at least 8 hours to allow these substances to expand, forming a thick yogurt.

2. Benefits of yogurt

To answer whether to eat yogurt before bed, you need to know that yogurt has been found and used by humans for hundreds of years. Yogurt is packed with beneficial bacteria and acts as a probiotic, providing more health benefits than regular milk. Here are 7 scientifically proven health benefits of yogurt.

Rich in nutrients

One of the reasons people like to eat yogurt before bed is because they provide almost every nutrient the human body needs. Yogurt is known for being high in calcium, a mineral essential for healthy teeth and bones. Just one cup of yogurt drink provides about 49% of your daily calcium needs.

High in B vitamins, especially vitamin B12 and vitamin B2, both of which may protect against heart disease and some nerve-related birth defects.

eat yoghurt before going to bed

Many people believe eating yogurt before going to bed to supplement vitamins and trace minerals.

The addition of yogurt means providing the required trace minerals 38% more for phosphorus, 12% for magnesium and 18% for potassium. These minerals are essential for blood pressure regulation, metabolism, and bone health.

Yogurt contains a lot of protein

Yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, provides an impressive amount of protein with about 12 grams of protein per 200 grams of yogurt.

According to research , protein has the function of supporting metabolism by increasing the amount of calories burned during the day. Adequate protein intake helps regulate appetite, promote the production of hormones that signal satiety, which is beneficial for weight control. People who snack on yogurt tend to be less hungry and consume fewer calories at dinner than those who eat other foods.

The satiety-boosting effects of yogurt are even more apparent if you eat Greek yogurt, which is a very thick type of skimmed yogurt. Greek yogurt is more effective in controlling appetite and delaying hunger than regular yogurt with less protein content.

Beneficial for digestive health

It is not always good to eat yogurt before bed, it depends on the ingredients contained in the type of yogurt you eat. Only a few contain live bacteria or probiotics that are beneficial for digestive health when consumed, including evening. Pasteurized yogurt is extremely popular these days, but it's actually a heat treatment that kills both harmful and beneficial bacteria in yogurt.

Should you eat yogurt before going to bed?

Eating yogurt before bed is not always good, depending on the ingredients inside.

Live bacteria, probiotics are usually produced during the initial yogurt culture or added after milk pasteurization. To make sure yogurt contains probiotics effectively and that eating yogurt before bed is beneficial, look for varieties that contain live probiotics listed on the label.

Strengthen the immune system

Eating yogurt before bed, especially the kind containing probiotics, can strengthen the immune system and reduce the likelihood of certain diseases. According to research , probiotics reduce inflammation caused by viral infections that lead to intestinal disorders. Probiotics also help reduce the incidence, duration, and severity of the common cold.

The immune-boosting properties of yogurt are partly due to its ability to provide trace minerals such as magnesium, selenium and zinc. Yogurt also contains vitamin D to prevent common colds and flu.

Fight against osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common weakening of the bones in the elderly. People with osteoporosis have low bone density and a higher risk of fracture. However, research shows that consuming at least three servings of dairy foods daily, such as yogurt, helps maintain bone mass and strength.

Should you eat yogurt before going to bed?

Eating yogurt before going to bed has a lot of calcium content to help maintain bone health.

Because yogurt is rich in vitamins and minerals important for maintaining bone health, including calcium, protein, potassium, phosphorus and sometimes vitamin D. Eating yogurt before bed regularly can reduce your risk Osteoporosis.

Beneficial for heart health

The topic of whether to eat yogurt before bed, especially consuming the saturated fat content of yogurt at night, often causes a lot of controversy. Because saturated fat was previously thought to cause heart disease, although there was no clear evidence, many people were still afraid.

In fact, getting saturated fat from whole milk products increases good HDL cholesterol to protect overall heart health. Eating yogurt also helps reduce high blood pressure, one of the main risk factors for heart disease.

Weight control

As mentioned above, yogurt can improve your overall diet. Because the high protein content along with calcium increases the production of appetite-reducing hormones such as peptides and GLP-1.

eat yogurt

The habit of eating yogurt before going to bed can avoid weight gain because of unhealthy junk food.

Moreover, eating yogurt before bed helps to reduce body weight, body fat percentage as well as waist circumference. Contrary to what was previously believed about fat intake and weight gain, yogurt can reduce obesity rates.

3. The effect of yogurt on sleep

To answer the question whether eating yogurt before bed is good, you need to know that feeling too hungry or too full affects sleep. But instead of eating something super-sweet which is bad for the digestive system, you should still eat a dairy snack like yogurt to improve sleep.

Eating yogurt before going to bed helps soothe muscles

Yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, is rich in nutrients including calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. All these substances play an electrolyte role in the body to help restore muscles after a long day of activity.

After a strenuous workout session, drink some Greek yogurt to ease cramps as well as replenish lost muscle. By soothing such pain, you will be able to enjoy a good night's sleep.

Eating yogurt before going to bed helps treat insomnia

Yogurt is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes sleep. This helps you fall asleep faster after eating yogurt before bed.

In case you have severe insomnia, high protein intake of about 6g yogurt before bed will help you have a deeper sleep. Because it helps you balance your blood sugar throughout the night.

Eating yogurt before going to bed helps to lose weight

Firstly, yogurt contains many macronutrients that help you feel full. Second, they are rich in probiotics that are beneficial in promoting a healthy gut that encourages fat loss and weight loss. Third, yogurt is an effective and nutrient-dense alternative to high-calorie late-night snacks.

4. How to choose good yogurt for sleep

Remember that not all yogurts help with sleep. To eat yogurt before bed, you should choose the healthiest one: low in chemicals and no added sugar. Aim for a brand that contains probiotics and lots of good bacteria, specifically:

Greek Yogurt

One of the best and most popular types to choose to eat yogurt before bed is Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is not only low in sugar, but also has twice the protein content. Furthermore, it contains fewer carbs than regular cow's milk yogurt.

This type is very good to choose for the habit of eating yogurt before bed because rich in tryptophan promotes a comfortable and relaxing sleep at night.

Sheep yogurt

Yogurt made from sheep's milk is a great choice for those who want the same texture and taste as cow's milk but don't want a negative digestive reaction.

One of the best characteristics of sheep yogurt is the absence of any stabilizers or thickeners. But still provide abundant riboflavin, calcium and vitamin B content.

When eating yogurt before bed, the body is supplemented with calcium - an essential mineral that activates the brain to secrete the sleep hormone melatonin.

Soy yogurt

Soy yogurt has a soy milk base combined with live cultures to thicken the texture. This yogurt does not contain animal milk and is low in cholesterol. It's a good choice for anyone who doesn't like animal protein to eat yogurt before bed.

soy yogurt
Soy yogurt does not contain animal milk and is low in cholesterol.

The main benefit of soy yogurt is its effectiveness in blocking enzymes that affect carbohydrate digestion. On top of that, soybeans are rich in tryptophan, which is very important for promoting sleep.

Almond Yogurt

Almond yogurt is simply a mixture of water and low-calorie ground almonds. Almonds have the necessary levels of melatonin to regulate and control sleep and wake cycles.

Almond yogurt is also low in sodium and fat, making it a delicious choice to eat yogurt before bed for those looking to avoid lactose. In fact, almond yogurt is relatively liquid and has the same texture as regular yogurt.

5. People who should not eat yogurt before bed

It is an undeniable fact, if you have a weak digestive system and eat yogurt before bed, they can actually reduce digestive function.

In particular, people with digestive problems such as heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion should avoid eating yogurt before going to bed. Because it can cause constipation when the digestive system is in a sluggish state and is getting ready for sleep. But during the day, when the body is working at full capacity, these are healthy foods for anyone.

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Ru9 foam mattress supports the body for comfort and muscle recovery at night.

Along with the addition of healthy foods, improving sleep requires the support of important bedroom accessories such as mattresses, pillows... Typically, the Original Ru9 mattress line , memory foam material has the ability to lift Support the spine and body for a good and comfortable sleep. Niu pillow with Graphene Memory Foam technology optimally dissipates heat when lying down and provides the best support for the head - neck - shoulders.

In conclusion, yogurt is rich in nutrients and can boost your health when used regularly. Along with a reduced risk of disease, of course, yogurt benefits digestive health and improves sleep. However, make sure you choose plain yogurt that's unsweetened and contains lots of probiotics. After that, relax on the Ru9 foam mattress and soft Niu pillow to prepare for a good night's sleep every day!


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