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Should Buy Spring Mattress Or Latex Mattress

If you are among the many people who are about to buy a mattress and are confused about whether to choose a spring mattress or a young latex mattress, then this article is for you. Below Ru9 will compare details for you to decide which mattress is right for your body and personal preferences.

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If you are among the many people who are about to buy a mattress and are confused about whether to choose a spring mattress or a young latex mattress, then this article is for you. Below Ru9 will compare details for you to decide which mattress is right for your body and personal preferences.

Spring mattresses or young latex mattresses are both great options that provide solid support for sleep as well as overall health. But to make the best choice, you should still distinguish the pros and cons of each. In this article, Ru9 compares latex and spring mattresses, giving you the information you need to decide which is best for you.

1. Everything you need to know about spring mattresses

Believe it or not, spring mattresses are still the most popular and account for the majority of mattress sales worldwide. So first, let's find out the pros and cons of spring mattresses.

Structure of spring mattress

Spring mattresses are usually composed of many coils of metal springs, surrounded by a supportive soft foam mattress. The idea behind these coils is to provide a certain amount of bounce to the mattress, while the foam padding is there for comfort.

structure of spring mattress

Spring mattresses are usually composed of many coils of metal springs.

The number of coil springs may vary depending on the mattress manufacturer. While quantity can affect comfort, there are many other factors that determine how well a spring mattress feels. For example, the size of the coil springs, the metal material that creates the coil, or the thickness of the support cushion …

What are the advantages of spring mattress?

Let's take a look at some of the advantages of a spring mattress and why it might be right for you. Some of the potential sleep benefits from a spring mattress include the following:

- Affordable investment costs: To buy a high-end spring mattress can be expensive, but most basic types are relatively cheap and affordable.

Easy to find: Spring mattresses are one of the most popular types of mattress, so you won't have any trouble finding them and trying them out when you're shopping.

- Weight is usually quite light: The weight of spring mattresses varies depending on the brand, but in general tends to be moderately light, easy to turn.

- There are many degrees of firmness: You can absolutely choose a spring mattress with more bounce if that is important to you. Or you prefer a certain firmness, many spring mattresses have an additional layer of active foam padding on the surface.

What are the disadvantages of spring mattresses?

Relatively short lifespan: The top layer of mattress wears out pretty quickly, meaning you can feel the coils underneath. Another reason for the shorter mattress life is the coil coils, which are gradually compressed down over time, eventually leading to uncomfortable sleeping sensations.

What are the disadvantages of spring mattress?

Spring mattresses wear out quite quickly, so their lifespan should not be too long.

- Metal coils pose a risk of absorbing electronic radiation: People concerned about electromagnetic radiation should stay away from spring mattresses. The metal of the spring coils is said to be able to act as an antenna that picks up and amplifies the surrounding electromagnetic radiation.

- The ability to emit noise from the spring: The coil springs inside can also make noise when in motion. Unless you have your own pocket spring, your sleep may be affected by your bedmate's movements or tossing.

2. Everything you need to know about young latex mattresses

Young latex mattresses do not have any springs or metal coils inside them. Unlike spring mattresses, young latex mattresses are made from the latex of the rubber tree. The resin is processed into mattress blocks with natural elasticity and excellent spine support.

What are the advantages of a young latex mattress?

- Delivers outstanding comfort: When you lie down on a latex mattress, you will first feel a comfortable sinking feeling, then a firm but still comfortable feeling of support. This is why young latex mattresses are becoming popular all over the world.

- Good Motion Isolation: Motion isolation means that when the person lying next to you rolls over, turns over or turns - movements on the other side of the mattress are barely perceptible. This helps you to have a more pleasant and less disturbed sleep experience. This is a big advantage over spring mattresses that tend to transfer motion from side to side.

test the elasticity of a latex mattress

Latex mattresses are made from natural materials, so they are friendly to health as well as to the environment.

- Resistance to dust mites and mold: Young latex mattresses are really a great choice for people who are sensitive to allergens such as bacteria and mold. Because rubber is naturally antibacterial, mildew resistant, and free of dust mites.

- Excellent Air Circulation: Young rubber has natural breathability due to its open cell structure. Furthermore, latex mattresses have pinholes inserted during handling, allowing for much better airflow than any other mattress.

What are the disadvantages of young latex mattresses?

Relatively heavy weight: Natural rubber is quite dense, so it's no surprise that mattresses can be quite heavy. Therefore, it is not possible to turn around easily, as well as move to another place.

- More expensive than spring mattresses : Perhaps the biggest barrier that makes consumers choose this mattress is the price.

3. Should buy spring mattress or young latex mattress

Based on the above comparisons, if you are still confused about which mattress to choose, answer some of the questions below to be more certain:

- Do you need the movement of the person next to you to not disturb your sleep?

- Do you need your mattress to be dust, bacteria and mildew resistant?

- Do you need your mattress for long-term use?

- Does price matter? Do you have enough budget for your mattress?

- Do you and your partner want to enjoy sex and benefit from a good bouncing mattress?

- Do you want to stay cool, not sweat at night?

- What type of mattress feels best when you lie on it?

If most of your needs and preferences lean towards the bullet points from 1-3, then you will surely find a young latex mattress that is best for you. If it's mostly bullet points from 4-6 years old, a spring mattress will probably be the best fit.

In addition, to meet almost all of the above requirements, you can refer to the Ru9 foam mattress , specifically the Original Ru9 mattress line with 3 layers of foam support:

Soft Ru9 Foam mattress

Ru9 foam mattress meets the needs of the vast majority of users.

- Exclusive Ru9 Contour Foam layer with high elasticity, support according to body curves.

- Memory foam layer relieves pressure, extremely smooth.

- Durable PU bottom foam layer, preventing movement.

All foam layers of the Original Ru9 mattress consist of millions of air particles connected together with an open, very ventilated structure.

In summary, although both spring and neoprene mattresses have their pros and cons, choosing the best mattress is still based on your individual needs. Remember that there is no one mattress that is perfect for everyone. If possible, try it live for 100 days to make a smart investment decision for sleep!

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